Note that not all nodes can be linked to all other nodes in the Performance Map and in Visual Views, the links that are created between any node type are visual only.
Programmatic Links are the links between Programmatic nodes (projects, processes, functions, components). These thin lines signify dependencies (specifically finish to start dependencies), just like lines in MS Project do. That means if Component A is connected to Component B (A->B) then delivery of B cannot begin until delivery of A is complete. Or if B is a capability, B cannot be active until delivery of A is complete.
Performance Links are the links between Initiatives, Outcomes and Objectives. The source node (outcome or initiative) affects the performance of the target node (outcome, objective or initiative).
The blue line indicates a positive relationship between the source and target nodes. As the source node performance improves, the target performance improves. The red line indicates a negative relationship between the source and target nodes. As the source performance improves, the target performance is reduced. The weight on the line expresses the relative extent to which the performance coming from the lines source node affects the performance of the target node (compared to other performance lines with the same target).
Annotation links are the third type of link between the nodes. These links are simply a visual representation of a relationship between the two nodes that needs to be considered. They can be black or green. Green indicates a requirement but no weight or value to the line
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