As well as customising your nodes, you have control over
several visibility options in Realisor that you can use to alter the appearance
of your map. These can be found in two places within the Performance Map
section – within the ‘View’ section on the Home tab and within the ‘General
Visibility’ section of the Map View tab.
Let’s look at the ones in the Home tab first.
The options
here are ‘Show Weights’, ‘Show Qualities’, ‘Show Measures’ and ‘Show
Connections’. When Realisor is loaded 'Show Qualities', Show Benefits', and ‘Show
Connections’ are automatically turned on. This means that the Qualities
attached to the Initiatives, any benefit measure that is added to an Outcome
node and any links made between nodes are visible. Turning on Show Weights will
display the weights on the links between the modules and the weights on the
Now let’s take a look at the Map View tab. In here, there
are some options that are duplicated from the Home tab but there are also some
new visibility functions.
The first option is to ‘Reverse Map’. There are two
modelling styles - with Outcomes to the left hand side of the map, which is the
default setting in Realisor or Outcomes to the right hand side of the map.
Realisor allows you to change between these two styles of mapping by use the ‘Reverse
Map’ option – clicking this will simple reverse your map.
The next new visibility option in this tab is ‘Plain Node’. Plain
nodes removes the ‘extra decorations’ from the nodes on the Outcome Map. The
nodes become a single colour block rather than a colour graded block and
outlines are removed.
‘Show IDs’ shows or hides the ID values on all node types. Similarly
‘Show Minor IDs’ shows or hides the ID values on the minor nodes - the Benefit
Measures and Qualities.
‘Show Line Descriptions’ shows and hides any descriptions
that have been added to the connections on the map.
‘Show Line Lags’ shows and hides the lag times on links
between programmatic nodes, such as processes, functions etc.
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